Online participation
Online participants can take part in the online tutorial on Neural Networks and Deep Learning (for a fee and after prior registration).
The entire scientific program from Tuesday to Friday will be streamed online via Zoom. There will be one Zoom link per lecture hall, which will remain the same for the entire conference. The link to the Zoom conferences will be made available via the conference website shortly before the meeting (password protected). During and after the talks, questions or comments can be posted in the chat, which will then be brought into the discussion by the moderator on site. Information on data protection can be found here.
Online participation via Zoom in the general meetings and working group meetings of the professional societies will be made possible. Participants will receive the links via e-mail shortly before the conference.
Selected participants can contribute a so-called talklet (pre-recorded presentations). We will upload the video files and make them accessible for the conference participants via the video platform lecture2go of the UHH. Links to the talklets will be made available to all participants via the conference website (password protected).